The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - orig. 09/12/05
I sent the following email to as many folks as I thought might be receptive to it:
Sorry to spam this out, but I feel it's important.
I just caught a commercial on TV that prompted me to go to the following Web site: Apparently it is not to late to keep the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from being exploited.
We don't need to exploit the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at this time and I feel that we should hold onto it in pristine condition for as long as possible.
One can send an email from the site that will automatically be forwarded to the appropriate senators and representatives.
I followed the links to the contact information for my senators and representative and sent them through the contact forms on their Web sites the following email which is derived from the one on the Save The Arctic site:
Dear ______,
As your constituent, I urge you to vote against the budget reconciliation package if it allows oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
The harm to wildlife and to our greatest wildlife refuge would be irreparable. We need to save national treasures like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for future generations.
Thank you,
Tory Jones
Please, take a minute to research the issue and then follow through with some action.
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